Friday, May 16, 2008

side bar: Thoux sighting

In the paper, at the top local luxury country club, with pics of all in their black tuxedos, the women in chignons, dangling earrings and long side hair curls, evening gowns, etc... Mme de Thoux, one bare shoulder sticking out of a long emerald green satin or silk lame sheath, leaning forward, holding the regulation small black purse (what do they put in there? A handkerchief to dab their brows and a tube of lipstick, period, that must be it, too small for anything else...), regulation smile painted on wide (with the picture taking her profile, to show the nicely cleaned, perfectly lined, and whitened teeth--years of orthodontist's bills from infancy), with a similar couple, to underline how much joy was had by all at the latest stuck-up ball, fund raiser, charity event, or acceptable cultural happening. Classy, yes, but what a show!

Apparently, or rather appropriately, M. de Thoux has been cropped off, probably leaning back, wandering off, or looking the other way, of course!....



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