Friday, September 11, 2009

I don't get it...

I don't understand how some people can claim that health reform will end our world, open the door to socialism and communism, as soon as government is "in charge" of our health but they want to keep thigns 'as they are", with Medicare and Medicaid run by the government.... I don't want it but I want it, I want it but I don't want it. God bless us all!...

dreams again

For years, I did not dream, or maybe I did and never remembered anything. A side effect, or collateral damage, of acute insomnia, probably. Now that I dream again, I find fascinating this mix of real-life and fantasy, the mixing of people who have never met and never will, the mixing of their languages--as in my dreams some people express themselves in a language that is not theirs--, the entire new world that all people usually enjoy. Yes, dreams evaporate and dissipate quickly but I now have some memories of what they were, who was in them, the locale, etc. A whole new world...