Thursday, August 28, 2008

How can one vote Republican?

A semi-literate (at best)president, the worst economy in a generation, double-digit inflation (going back to October or November 07, folks, I have the numbers), old guys who have been around hanging on to power and money (and FOR money) since the Nixon or Ford administrations (Cheney, Rumsfeldt, etc.), complete disregard, arrogance, and ignorance for the world and the world community (United Nations included), a war we started on our own with hidden costs everywhere and thousands of dead and tens of thousands of highly injured, mutilated soldiers (boys, in fact, mostly) to care for for decades (they would be dead in fact in any war before this one), a candidate, older than any other, who promised another 100 years of that war, does not know how many houses he has (and he has seven anyway). Regardless of the respect owed John McCain for his personal strength and experience, John, it's time to go enjoy Cindy's money and let's move on to repairing the damage done in eight years.

And on the other side, a bright, articulate guy who can get rid of a whole lot of that old stuff that got us into our mess (with a stolen election in 2000 to begin with).

But just because he is only half-white, people will come out of the woodwork to vote against him. Even Newsweek estimated that among Hillary's former voting democrats, at least 6% will not vote for a black man.
And we should re-elect another white, Anglo, rich, white guy?

And we can't even guarantee proper minimal education and vaccination for every child in this country; we do not have even minimal decent medical support or coverage for every American. But we have the greatest number of millionaires in the world (and quite a lot of the billionaires), we use the greatest amount of resources, etc., etc..

This is not the America I knew and chose, this is not the America the world needs, this is not even the America WE OURSELVES need!!!!


French vs. US social security difference

The French president delivered a speech a couple of days ago announcing a 1% tax on investments and real estate property for the benefit of those in need of economic help (the poor, in short). Even the French left had to acknowledge that this was good move ... as much as they hate that Sarkozy did this before they got their act together...

We won't see this type of action in the US for another generation (easily..) if ever. We'll all be dead before the US ever steps up to really helping its poor by getting to the rich (or the "haves" at large). Get cancer, a major car accident, or really destitute and you can croak in the street here (although your family, if you have one, and they are not completely retarded or broke themselves, should feel some obligation to help). We might have liberty, we aren't there yet on equality, and forget about fraternity (except of course for rich college kids, but it's .."not exactly" the same reality!!!!)

Now the French aren't perfect either, but they seem to be a little bit less imperfect than we are for things like this... There there is a safety net. Here we're on our own...
