Monday, October 06, 2008

our self-destruction

At times you have to wonder if we have not done to ourselves what Bin Laden did not succeed in doing. Greed (even if of a minority but major greed by those--CEOs, etc.), complacency, laziness, tap dancing on the deck of our Titanic, etc., led to our self-destruction by way of banks and the entire economic basis for capitalism. Don't think I am a defeatist, or pro-Osama, or rejoicing, but it's been visible for quite some time (blame also the outrageous advertizing for luxuries and easy credit) and no one did a thing (of course.... With all our millionaires in Congress, did we really expect them to move on to cut the money spigot that kept them there and well fed???? NO!)

That leaves us with re-learning to walk to school, driving as a luxury, and rediscovering the greatness of a beautiful day... Flip side of the debacle, silver lining of the new Great Flood. Welcome to 1929 part II. Only problem: Who will play the Nazis and Hitler now? We have all our polarizing people already busy.... (Osama, Rush Limbaugh, W, 300 million weapons in the US, Russia, Islam, sexism, etc., etc., etc.....


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